French connoisseurs of aviation comics are familiar with the work of Olivier Dauger. For those who don’t know him, he is a graphic designer and an illustrator, a big fan of the ’30 - ’40 era, particularly in the aviation domain. As such, he is the author of the ‘Ciel en ruine’ and ‘Ciel de guerre’ series and more recently of ‘Hélène Boucher l’Étoile filante’ (for further information). Olivier Dauget is also a talented painter and produces gouaches of his own inspiration or on request for specific scenes.
We present here one of his works depicting a scene where a ground attack is led by two US P-47 Razorback on a French village during the Normandy landings. The painting is framed (30 cm x 40 cm / 11 13/16 in x 15 ¾ in)